Love Theory

Love Theory


“ Do you want ordinary relationships, or extraordinary ones "

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In Love Theory, Jasmine Cruz exposes the fear around love and illuminates how to improve your relationship with love through daily aspirations, devotions, messages, and challenges. Not only is this a peek into how to fill your LoveTank; but it’s a peak into who Jasmine is and the impact love has had in shaping her life. Love Theory includes blogs that outline life altering experiences over the last decade. Love is complex but not complicated. Life aligns best when you are giving and receiving love at its fullest potential. Alignment is the key to your inner joy, peace and all things love.  This book is a collection of quotes that will help you move forward toward love. Love takes dedication, accountability and an unconditional commitment to growth.


Couples Workbook Vol. 1

Love Tragedy Power Course

Love Tragedy Power Course

Singles Workbook Vol. 1

Singles Workbook Vol. 1
